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Register now, Vote later.

"I invite you to continue the movement and discussion with us by joining, Mark Your Presence organisation. Let's keep talking about these issues and supporting one another. Everyone is welcomed."
We also encourage you to visit our site/Instagram handle for more information that can help you understand the process and help us reach our goal.

You also can create and join in mark your presence in circles, small peer groups that meet in person for ongoing encouragement and development.
My goal in this campaign is not to end the discussion and movement with the election, but to start a new beginning. Welcome to mark your presence.

- Chaitanya Prabhu
Founder, Mark Your Presence

Get ready for the upcoming elections! 1-10-2024

About Our Organization

Who We Are

The civil rights movements across the world changed the way we identify ourselves in today's world thus, making voting one of the most important precursors to shaping and reforming our present. With growing violence, poverty, climate change and need for reform in education and sciences; Voting becomes our only weapon in this fight.

Mark Your Presence was founded on the idea that we can create more change in our country if we work together. We are a non- profit and non -partisan organisation. Our aim is to create a positive change by reaching out to the youth and every citizen of the country on relevant issues that we are negligent about.

Our mission is to reach out to the youth of our country and make them aware about the democratic process and the importance of participating in it. We believe that, it's important to make the citizens who are under 18 years of age aware, as they will be the future voters of our country.

We also enrol all the citizens who are above the age of 18 so that they can actively participate in the elections in years to come. We understand that the power of the youth is not only important but also vital in shaping the course of any democracy and therefore having educated, politically aware voter's is crucial for our democracy.

Mark Your Presence has conducted seminars in colleges, which are affiliated with Mumbai University, Symbiosis University, and other private universities. Over the last year, we have registered over 25,000 new voters for the 2019 elections. We have registered voters in the 2019 Lok sabha MP elections, MLA elections in Mumbai and Delhi. Registration is only the first step of our campaign and the goal will be achieved only once we educate students at large about their right to vote and assist them. We have created a voter's manual which will help each individual understand the process of voting which includes the essential things a voter needs to do before he/she goes out to vote , and also educates the voter about his/her constituency and the role of the Member of Parliament, MLA, and Corporator. We not only register new voters but also follow up with the concerned BLO officers whenever there is a problem. On our website, the voters can track their voter ids, check if their name is on the Electoral roll, check their polling stations and also find out detailed information of their nearest election office.

Our Story

Mark Your Presence was founded on the pillars of change and commitment to democracy to bring about a political order that is participatory and progresssive. Chaitanya Prabhu founded the organisation in 2018 as an ode to his 100 year old grandfather’s commitment to practise the right that people of this country lay their lives for. He envisioned an organisation that would remind young people of the journey we as a nation took to make this tryst with democracy as our destiny.

Chaitanya is passionate for the cause of strengthening Indian democracy and sees voting as a way to honour the ones who struggled for that right to vote. Chaitanya's inspiration comes from his grandfather who is 100 years old and has been voting since India gained independence. He believes that if his grandfather can go and vote in every poll so can the youth of India. So, when he learnt that most of his friends do not have a voter ID required to register their vote, the 2O-year-old Chaitanya Prabhu took it upon himself to register his peers on the voters' list. He thought that if educated voters voted in large numbers, our democracy would look much different. This motivated him to consult electoral experts to understand the voter registration process. He identified that while the majority of the population opts for an offline registration process as a common practice, it takes only seven minutes to complete the registration if it is done online.

Learning from his experience, Chaitanya prepared an SOP for a step-by-step registration process for his friends and registered more than 350 voters within a span of three weeks. Taking note of the daily increase in registrations, Chaitanya founded the Mark Your Presence organisation and crowdsourced funds to create a website for MYP before the 2019 general elections in India. The website ( acts as a one stop solution for every voter. Through his website, voters can track their voter identification cards, contact details of their polling station, electoral list, and access guides to educate them about the constituency and role of their elected representatives.

Chaitanya has demonstrated true selflessness in his activities – filling hundreds of voter registration forms; conducting seminars across different slums and universities – whilst balancing his studies in law and competing at national sports tournaments.


Our mission is to reach out to the youth of our country and enrol all the citizens above the age of 18 so that they can actively participate in the 2022 election and in the election in years to come. The power of the youth is not only important but also vital in shaping the course of any democracy. More than 50 per cent of India’s population is below the age of 25, and more than 65 percent is below the age of 35. Harnessing these young citizens of our county to participate in democratic processes and contribute positively for the development of the Country is an essential requirement. We at Mark your presence are working to make voting more interesting for the youth of India, We run microtragetted voter campaigns which have resulted in increase in voter awareness and voter turnout in the city.

Our Founder, Chaitanya Prabhu has been registering and educating voters since 2018 and reached more than 16000 voters throughout his campaign. He was successful in registering 10,000 voters in the last general elections and assembly elections in India. As a result of his hard work, he created an impact in the life of more than 10,000 young eligible voters by enabling them to cast their informed vote.

Organisation Structure

Mark your presence is a programme that registers young voters and educates them about their right to vote. Our goal is to make registering a continuous activity rather than just an issue that is discussed during elections. We employ cutting-edge technology and creative approaches to increase the number of educated voters in our democracy. We teach and register young voters in institutions, which we refer to as democracy courses in schools and universities.

The organisation is divided into two sections, the first of which is the leadership fellowship and the second of which is the research fellowship. Both sections of the organisation are dedicated to raising voter awareness and improving voter registration and turnout. The team is made up of students that want to help establish a stronger democracy. The team now has twenty-five core members and 480 volunteers. Chaitanya Prabhu, the organisation's founder, is a lawyer who is now earning a master's degree in public policy at Xaviers.

Everyone in the group is a student with a great desire to contribute to the strengthening of Indian democracy. The organisation and its founder, Chaitanya Prabhu, has been awarded by the United Nations India and felicitated by the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports for his contributions to youth empowerment. This year, the organisation and its founder was also honoured with the Diana International Award, the greatest honour given for humanitarian efforts. The award was founded in honour of Diana, Princess of Wales, and is given out by the charity of the same name, which has the backing of both of her sons, the Duke of Cambridge and the Duke of Sussex.

Some of our work entails

● Setting up Electoral literacy club in colleges
● City level registration with NSS
● Rotaract level registration for all rotaract clubs in Mumbai.
● Convincing young individuals to register to vote through social media
● Register young individuals and convert them into educated voters.
● Art campaign to create more awareness
● Run Surveys to understand voter problems
● Working on establishing VAF
● Starting a competition for voter registrations amongst Mumbai colleges in Mumbai.
Register voters in 7.30mins


Chaitanya Prabhu is the founder of Mark Your Presence which is a non-profit and non-political organisation that works towards turning every institution into a voter-friendly campus. Chaitanya Prabhu is the youngest person to have registered 20,000 voters in India. Chaitanya Prabhu is also a Un awardee and has been felicitated by UNDP and the Ministry of youth affairs and sports.

He has been recognised with the highest accolade a young person can achieve for social action or humanitarian efforts – The Diana Award - Established in memory of Diana, Princess of Wales, the Award is given out by the charity of the same name and has the support of both her sons, The Duke of Cambridge and The Duke of Sussex.

Chaitanya Prabhu has been working towards empowering the youth by Registering and Educating voters since 2018 and has successfully helped in the general election, the assembly elections in Maharashtra and Delhi. He wants to build a democracy with Educated voters.

Chaitanya has founded and successfully led campaigns such as She Votes, Rap for Your Rights, Art for Your Rights, the Youth Manifesto, and Mumbai's largest civic awareness competition. Chaitanya Prabhu works with the support of the chief electoral officer and the state election of Maharashtra.

He is a lawyer, Civic rights advocate, Student activist and is pursuing his master's in public policy from Xavier's. He is also a national level athlete. He represents Maharashtra in track and field competitions.

Know Your Right

Criteria of Voting

1. Citizen of India having attained 18 years of age.
2. His/her name must appear in the Voting List of Assembly/ Parliament elections, as the case may be.
3. He/she must have a Voters Identity Card. In case Voter I-Card is not there, he/she can show a proof of identity acceptable to the returning officer.
What Happens if You Don’t Vote
If you don’t vote, you have not shown preference for anyone standing in the election, or any side in a referendum campaign. Your vote will not be counted for either side or directly affect the result.
You have not accessed the Statutory right given to you by the constitution for the better growth of the country

Article 326

The elections to the House of the People and to the Legislative Assembly of every State shall be on the basis of adult suffrage; that is to say, every person who is a citizen of India and who is not less than 18 years of age on such date as may be fixed in that behalf by or under any law made by the appropriate Legislature.

If the Candidate is Not of Your Preference
We suggest ‘NOTA Voting’ rather than abstaining if you do not agree with any of the options on the ballot paper


Frequently Asked Questions

  • Before applying for a Voter ID Card online, make sure you have the following documents ready (and scanned/soft copies)
  • A) valid Phone Number (other than landline number)
    B) Address proof – (passport/driving licence/ration card/electricity bill/telephone bill/gas bill in jpg format)
    C) Age proof – driving licence/passport /pan card/aadhaar /birth certificate.
    D) Photo (personal photo) (jpg format)
    Any one of the above documents can be used as a government identification.
  • Log on to which will redirect you to Nation Voters Services Portal
  • Click on register for new voters id (the form 6 will appear, which needs to be filled completely)
  • After the form 6 is filled and all the information required is uploaded, one should submit the form
  • You will receive a message about the enrollment number which you can use to check the status of your voters identity card
  • You can track your status on the home page of our site by clicking on the ‘track status’ button
  • You can also find out your nearest elections office , polling Booth and even check if your name is on the electoral list by clicking on the ‘our state’ tab
  • log on to our website and become a voter and Mark your presence this election.

Eighteen. The minimum age for registration of a voter is 18 years.
Reference: For every constituency, there is a voters list, Article 326 of the Constitution.

No , Earlier, the age for registration of a voter was 21 years. The minimum age of registration of a voter has been brought down to 18 years. This has been made effective from 28th March, 1989.

Reference: Through the 61st amendment Act, 1988 of the Constitution read with Act 21 of 1989 amending the R. P. Act, 1950.

Ration Card is not necessary, however, you can show any other proof of residence like Passport, Bank Pass Book, Driving licence etc. or any Govt. document to facilitate the work of registration.

To get enrolled in the voter list is your statutory right. Please check the Electoral roll of your area ERO (SDM)/AERO office. If your name is not included please fill up Form 6 and deposit it with the ERO.

You can submit the proof of Date of Birth from the authorised agency (Passport, passing certificate, Date of Birth certificate etc.)

It is not essential but if you attach a proof of residence, it will help early verification of the particulars given by you.

He must have handed over to you the record of Enumeration, which is your acknowledgement. You can check your name in the draft roll, which will be published and available at the office of the ERO concerned or one can go to the election commission official website and enter his epic number and find out.

You can deposit a copy of the FIR lodged at the Police Station. You will get a new EPIC Card after a deposit of Rs. 25. The dates for issuing EPIC Cards are published in leading Newspapers.

The Electoral Registration Officer (ERO). In the case of Delhi, these are the area Sub-Divisional Magistrates/Additional District Magi-states. The Electoral Registration officer is responsible for the preparation of electoral rolls for an Assembly Constituency which itself is the roll for the Parliamentary Constituency in so far as that Assembly Segment is concerned.

The Election Commission of India, in consultation with the State/UT Government, appoints an Officer of the Government or the Local Authorities as the Electoral Registration Officer. In addition, the Election Commission of India also appoints one or more Assistant Electoral Registration Officers to assist the Electoral Registration Officer in the performance of his functions in the matter of preparation/revision of electoral rolls.
REFERENCE: Under section 13B of the Representation of the People Act, 1950.

The qualifying date means the first day of January of the year in which the electoral roll is prepared or revised.
Reference: According to Section 14 (b) of the R. P. Act, 1950.

No, a person who is not a citizen of India cannot be registered as a voter.

No, only a person who is ordinarily resident in a constituency is entitled to be registered in the electoral roll of that constituency. However, such non-resident Indian Citizens who are employed under Govt. of India in a post outside India are eligible to be registered as voters.
References: Sec 20 (8) (d) read with Sec 20 (3) of the R. P. Act, 1950.

No, You can be enrolled at Delhi only and not in your native village. If you are working in Delhi and residing there, you are an ordinary resident of Delhi in terms of Sec 19 (b).

No, a person cannot be enrolled as a voter in more than one place in the same constituency or in more than one constituency.

You have to submit a filled in Form – 6

For incorporation of corrections in the Electoral Rolls, You have to submit Form – 8
Following are the various forms useful for registration as voter, corrections, change in address etc.
For inclusion of names - Form 6
For any objection on inclusion of names - Form 7
For correction of entries in the Electoral Rolls - Form 8
For transposition of entry in electoral roll - Form 8A

In case the new residence is in the same constituency please fill Form 8A otherwise form 6 and submit to the ERO or the AERO of the area of your new residence.

First of all please ensure that you have enrolled yourself in the Electoral Roll of the concerned AC, where you are now residing following the procedure given in Ans. No.10. Subsequently, a new card at the present address will be issued to you.

You can get your I Card rectified by depositing it in the Office of the ERO concerned or at the Photography Centre when the work of preparation of Photo ID card begins.

Our Project

Mark Your Presence Our Project

Rap For Your Rights

4 Rappers 3 Languages 1 Mission 1 Aim - YOUR VOTE Mark Your Presence organised the first ever apolitical rap campaign in Mumbai to encourage young people across the city to register and cast their votes. Four young rappers namely from the slums of Mumbai collaborated with the organisation to conceive VOTE KARA, MATDAAN KAR, PEHLA VOTE PEHLA PYAAR, DON’T WASTE YOUR VOTES. The performances were well received by the audiences both offline and online, especially the youth. The event at Khar social, Mumbai was inaugurated by the Chief Editor of Rolling Stones Nirmika Singh in 2019.

She Votes

Mark Your Presence is committed to a progressive democracy where voices are heard and change is possible; however, we are well aware of the disparities in public discourse based on various parameters in society. The commitment to equality gave way to the campaign ‘She Votes’ focussing on the role of women and the importance of their vote. This was the third campaign launched by the organisation and focused on encouraging women to not only vote but claim their space in public discourses and politics.

Dance For Your Rights

After a successful campaign using performing art as a medium to communicate the importance of the vote, Mark Your Presence endeavoured to step it up as it brought together 100 dancers from across the city to channelise their medium of movement to paint the message of voting and its importance. The aim of the campaign was to engage young people and diversify the approach to advocating for voting and registering to do the same.

Democracy class / drive

The Democracy drive is a testimony to the vision of Mark Your Presence: to disseminate information on voting and its importance. The mission of the campaign was to register young and coming voters by visiting colleges and engaging them to increase electoral participation in the city of Mumbai. Mark Your presence launched the largest drive of the city with NSS units Mumbai University with over 56 colleges and 480 volunteers registering voters. This drive was launched for inclusion in SSR.

Art for your rights

With this art movement we connected voting to art and democracy so as to try to communicate our message to the public at large. The idea is to connect art and culture as a way to express our views. There are a lot of people who are not vocal about their rights but are extremely efficient at expressing their feelings through art. For this movement, forms of art are categorised as: Oil/Acrylic on canvas, sketching, graphically represented art and sculptures, and digital art forms. The best artwork will be awarded by the CEO's office.

Write for your rights

We are of the opinion that freedom of expression is the most important pillar of our democracy and that there are only a few who are vocal about their rights. This challenge was created for those who adapt to writing as a form of expression to express their views. We believe writing plays an instrumental role in expressing one's thoughts and could be used to spread awareness.

Mark Your Presence with Chaitanya Prabhu

Introducing Mark Your Presence with chaitanya prabu, weekly podcast, where I dive deep into what democracy means and how we as voters can strengthen Indian democracy. You can find this podcast on spotify.

Your Representative

Your Representative is a monthly newsletter launched by Mark Your Presence as a platform to engage in civic debates, bridge the gap between the constituents and their elected representatives and take cognizance of the concerns of the people. Your representative has contributors from across the city engaging and participating with topics of civic importance and seeking accountability from their representatives. It is an initiative to build a connection between the masses and the changemakers of the city. It covers the stories of young changemakers, innovators, and talented young individuals from the field of art, sports, politics.

Books for all

It has come to our notice that a few students are finding it difficult to buy educational books for their respective courses due to the lack of finances. In light of these recent events, we would like to encourage every person to donate their books to help us, help them. Kindly help by donating your old and used books on the Google link given below. All the books will be forwarded to those in need. You will be notified when a person is given your book. ( Educational books or any book that you would want to donate )

Youth manifesto

The youth manifesto movement is aiming to ignite energy and bring people together, break down barriers and encourage collaboration among long-time Youth advocates, environmentalists, activists, emerging leaders, artists, policymakers, young leaders, politicians, and academics all in one city. In order to inspire continuous change, we must invest in youth leadership and harness young people's collective power and energy. We are excited as a movement to announce the youth manifesto as a space for youth-led accountability.

Hakkachi Paali

Hakkachi Paali
It is a movement to draft mumbai first people’s first people’s menstrual policy. The poli- cies explores the gap between the policy/ programs and the implementation.

Kala Ghoda installation

Hakkachi Paali Mark Your Presence at our installation till 28th of Jan 2024.
For the first time ever the Kala Ghoda festival approved a proposal from "Mark Your Presence" to have an installation exclusively dedicated to the country's youth and their involvement in the democratic processes.
The concept was designed by architect designer

Chandrashekhar Prabhu.

The clinched fist represents the power of the youth, with the bracelet band around the wrist signifying their friendship and unity, and the finger marked with indelible ink is symbolic of their involvement in the democratic processes. The theme is to inspire the country's youth to unite and collectively utilise their power for the protection of democracy.
The installation has been fabricated by Murtikar Santosh Kambli, the famous sculptors who make
"Lalbaug cha Raja" idol of Ganpati.
I came, I saw, I registered, I voted. We are running the largest public voter drive at our installation.

Work With Us

Mark Your Presence Work With Us

The Mark Your Presence leadership initiative is a 3 and 6 month intensive program for university students who are keen to build a stronger Democracy with educated voters. The program is designed to deliver core skills in public leadership along with the experience of working with an organisation that works towards making every institution in the country a voter-friendly campus.
The Mark Your Presence Leadership Program allows you to use your expertise from your education field to build a stronger ecosystem for young people in India. We have established several teams to facilitate this goal:

. Research and Policy Team
 Communication and Design
 Medical Researcher Team
 Social Media Team
 Civic Ambassador Team
 Fundraiser Team

If you are interested in contributing to any of these categories, this program is for you.

It is a part time fellowship, held in Mumbai and Delhi, over the course of six months:

Objective of the Programme Build a community of young changemakers to take action.
Develop civic engagement understanding and application by educating, registering voters across India.
Identify and solve civic engagement challenges using structured problem-solving and innovative thinking.
Increase civic engagement among youth through interdisciplinary learning and impact campaigns.

Key Components of the Program

Learning Track: the program has a strong focus on ensuring the leaders have a fulfilling learning experience.

Stories of Change: The leaders will be introduced to various changeleaders working in different domains to connect, share and develop networks.

Impact Campaign: to ensure learning has happened, it is imperative to see it in action.

Networks and opportunities: we will actively provide leaders with opportunities to network and learn outside of MYP as well.

Learn about Civic Engagement: The Program will be enhancing knowledge about various aspects and components of Civic Engagement.

Program Structure

1) Building public narrative
2) Community Organising
4) Adaptive leadership
4) Building and Sustaining Relationship
Political Intervention and System
1) Systems of Power
2) National and Local Political framework
Immersing in current reality
1) Role of Voting in a Democracy
2) Advocacy
3) Youth and its role in Democracy
Impact Campaigns
1) Organising people through campaigns
2) Building your Impact Campaign

Immersing in current reality

1) Role of Voting in a Democracy
2) Advocacy
3) Youth and its role in Democracy Impact Campaigns
4) Organising people through campaigns
5) Building your Impact Campaign


  • Certificates from Mark your presence and Chief electoral office ( if you work on collaborative projects)
  • Letter of recommendations
  • The student with the highest number of registrations and innovative ideas will be offered a position in the Mark Your Presence team.
  • We will connect you to young changemakers so that they can build their network,to build a stronger democracy.
  • Opportunity to build and lead stronger campaigns for the state and BMC elections.


Here's how the applicants can set themselves apart:

Let your passion shine

We care much less about your credentials than we do about your passion. We want to know that you're so dedicated to our mission that you would be DEVASTATED if you missed out on this opportunity. BE CREATIVE
We love seeing creative approaches to tried-and-true strategies. Got an interesting launch plan? Share it with us. Thought of a cool idea to get people engaged? Don't be shy. We want to hear from you.

If you don't take the time to fill out the application form carefully, your application will immediately go in the bin! Taking the time to submit your application shows that you care. Be thoughtful, careful, and intentional.

Please submit, your story on the given details
Civic rights have not gained the kind of academic popularity among young people like many others hence, the program intends to soe the seeds of civic engagement among young and driven people to make Indian Democracy a stronger, healthier and larger democracy.

The Policy Leadership Program of Maharashtra (PLM) is a pioneering initiative by Mark Your Presence. It offers a unique opportunity for young individuals to gain firsthand experience in political processes and governance. Through rigorous training and practical deployment, participants will develop skills and insights that will prepare them for future roles in public service and civic engagement.

The Policy Leadership Program of Maharashtra (PLM) by Mark Your Presence is a transformative initiative aimed at bridging the gap between young people and policymakers. This three-month intensive program is designed for graduates interested in entering the policy space and making a tangible impact on governance.

This program is a testament to our commitment to strengthening democracy by bridging the gap between young voters and their representatives

Program Overview

PLM is structured to provide participants with hands-on experience in the field of policy-making. The program focuses on placing young policy assistants with Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) to assist in various capacities. The core responsibilities revolve around providing research support, conducting surveys, updating on constituency work, and highlighting youth issues to elected representatives. Participants will act as end-to-end policy research assistants, ensuring that the voices of young people are heard at the highest levels of decision-making.

Roles and Responsibilities

As a PLM candidate, your role will include:
• Research Support: Conducting thorough policy research and analysis to assist MPs and MLAs in their legislative duties.
• Survey Support: Designing and executing surveys to gather data on constituency issues, particularly those affecting young people.
• Constituency Updates: Providing regular updates on constituency work, including progress reports and feedback from constituents.
• Youth Engagement: Bringing youth issues to the forefront by ensuring that the concerns and aspirations of young people are communicated effectively to policymakers.

Eligibility Criteria

To be eligible for the PLM program, candidates must:

• Hold a bachelor’s degree from any discipline.
• Be willing to reside in Mumbai during the internship.
• Demonstrate proficiency in English, Hindi, and Marathi.
• Be willing to work on and off ground

We encourage applicants from diverse educational backgrounds to apply, as we believe that a variety of perspectives will create a stronger, more robust ecosystem for policymakers. This diversity, akin to a cafeteria approach, allows elected representatives to understand issues from different viewpoints, enriching the policymaking process.


• Program Duration: 3 months
• Training Phase (1 Month):
• Skill development training by Mark Your Presence
• Sessions led by experts, political strategists, and experienced candidates
• Practical tasks and real-world applications

Deployment Phase (2 Months):

• Placement with MPs and MLAs
• Tasks: research support, surveys, constituency updates, and addressing youth issues
• Role: Support policy makers and advocate for young people’s concerns

The program is structured to span over three months, comprising a one-month intensive training phase followed by a two-month practical deployment phase. During the first month, participants will undergo a skill development training program conducted by Mark Your Presence.

This training will cover all the essential skills required to work effectively with policy makers. Experts from various fields, political strategists, and candidates who have previously worked with policy makers will lead the sessions. They will not only share their experiences but also assign tasks to help participants learn and apply these skills in real-world scenarios.

In the subsequent two months, participants will be placed with MPs and MLAs, providing research support, conducting surveys, updating constituency work, and addressing youth issues. As a policy assistant, your role will revolve around supporting policy makers and ensuring that young people’s concerns are heard.

Application Process To apply for the PLM program:

1. Fill out the Google Form: Complete the application form with your personal information, educational background, professional experience, and motivations for joining the program.
2. Screening and Interview: Once your application is reviewed, our team will reach out to you within three to four working days to schedule an interview. Successful candidates will be selected to join the cohort.
3. Cohort Placement: Selected candidates will be placed with MPs and MLAs in and around their residential areas for convenience.
Why PLM Matters

PLM is crucial for fostering a new generation of informed, engaged, and proactive citizens dedicated to the democratic process. By providing young people with the opportunity to work closely with policymakers, the program enhances the capacity of elected representatives to connect with and understand the concerns of young constituents. This initiative empowers young leaders to develop their skills, contribute to governance, and ensure that youth issues are addressed at the highest levels.

Your Manifesto

What is a Manifesto?

A manifesto is a published declaration that presents the hopes, aspirations, intentions, motives, or views of a group of people. In the context of the Youth Manifesto, it is a document that expresses the demands and concerns of the youth in Mumbai, aiming to bridge the gap between the youth and their representatives.

Why a Manifesto?

A manifesto serves as a tool to communicate the desires and aspirations of a specific group or community. It provides a platform for young people to voice their concerns and engage in civic change. By drafting a youth manifesto, the aim is to create a document that represents the needs of the youth population and influences decision-making processes.

Vision of the Youth Manifesto

As it stands true to history, collective action has driven change and Manifestos a living testament to its vision. A manifesto is a published declaration of the hopes, aspirations, intentions, motives, or views of a people. We at Mark Your Presence have envisioned the Youth Forum. The Youth Forum is a city-wide non-partisan political movement driven by young people to draft the first ever youth manifesto, of its kind for the city of Mumbai. The forum shall primarily dive into the issues and demands of young people in regard to Health, Environment and Administrative Infrastructure. The aim is to bridge the gap between the youth and their representatives with the help of a declaration of demands.

The impact and engagement of the forum is going to be two-fold: public meetings followed by a youth forum. The public meetings are a sincere attempt to reach the youth of every constitutional assembly of Mumbai; to not only note their concerns but also aspirations. These assemblies are an attempt to bridge the gap in the system, create more participation which in turn would create a process of accountability. This manifesto will represent what the people want, and if parties aid candidates that can guarantee the desires and aspirations from the youth manifesto, they may be able to gain more support from the younger generation. This will also provide an opportunity for our representatives to learn about the changes that people want to see in their city, providing yet another reason for voters to turn out in greater numbers in the upcoming BMC elections. We aim to give young people a reason to vote and engage in the democratic process.
The youth manifesto movement is aiming to ignite energy and bring people together, break down barriers and encourage collaboration among long-time Youth advocates, environmentalists, activists, emerging leaders, artists, policymakers, young leaders, politicians, and academics all in one city. In order to inspire continuous change, we must invest in youth leadership and harness young people's collective power and energy. We are excited as a movement to announce the youth manifesto as a space for youth-led accountability.

• Mandate of the Committee
This section will focus on the specifics of the scope of discussion in each committee. For example, the multi defitional nature of public health as a concept may prove to be an impediment in streamlining debate and solutions. Following is the mandate for each forum:

1. Forum on Public Health:
Public Health may be defined as Public Health is defined as “the art and science of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the organised efforts of society” (Acheson, 1988; WHO). These collective efforts must be envisioned by the state in order to ensure affordability and accessibility to health care and services for its citizens. The covid-19 pandemic exposed the crippling state of health infrastructure in the city as it was overwhelmed by the pouring cases of covid-19. These extraordinary situations have made us aware of the most ordinary necessities of the residents of Mumbai and the health worker community. Issues related to cost of health care, response to covid, safety of health care workers and medical students may be discussed at the forum.
2. Forum on Environment:
The scope of the forum on Environment will cater to effects of human activity, state sanctioned or otherwise on the natural ecosystem of Mumbai. The issues may range from Aarey forest to redevelopment projects to the coastal road to saving the mangroves. The forum may also seek accountability on various development projects initiated by governments in order to discontinue them after assessing their environmental cost. The idea behind a specific forum on environment is to demand changes from those in power to make the system compliable to sustainable lifestyles which is the need of the hour.
3. Forum on city infrastructure & administration:
The forum on the city will have a wide scope of discussion and drafting of demands. As the name suggests, issues of infrastructure such as roads, public spaces etc may be brought up in discourse. Simultaneously, the issues of administrative efforts made by the BMC may also be brought up to demand change or additions. Housing problems, water supply, mobility etc. are some of the issues among many that may be discussed in the forum to demand a safe and accessible city and infrastructure that also caters to its young population.


Our hard working team

Chaitanya Prabhu

Founder and CEO

Parth Suri

Team Manager

Tanish Rajan

Social Media Lead

Sarvesh Lokare

Leadership Fellow



Akansha Priya




Ashita Ganesh


Dhruv Singh


Meyher Chawla




Nittyam Modi




Resham Natt




Siddharth Gupta


Tanishi Ranjan


Vardaan Aulakh




Yash Sawant



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Leadership Programme Fill Form


Jaihind building, fort, Mumbai
Leadership Programme Fill Form

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+91 99 3016 5333

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Open Hours

Monday - Friday
10:30AM - 05:00PM

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